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Virtual Academy | Connect Hosts Virtual Academy For Brokers

Virtual Academy

Virtual academy

Amid the pervasive influence of COVID-19, it’s essential to note a positive development. The year 2020 saw the rise and sustained need for a mortgage network to host a virtual academy. This trend solidifies its role in supporting prospective mortgage brokers during these challenging times.

Connect’s virtual academy stands out as an innovation beacon as we navigate the pandemic’s repercussions. It offers a dynamic platform for learning and collaboration. The shift to virtual education is not a temporary change. It signifies a lasting transformation in education and skill development. The virtual academy is set to redefine traditional learning, offering accessible and interactive ways for individuals to enhance their knowledge.

Liz Syms
Liz Syms, CEO and Founder of Connect

Connect’s Virtual Academy Success

Connect for Intermediaries has successfully concluded its first training program for aspiring brokers in a virtual academy setting. This mortgage network is optimistic about future academies. This marks a significant step in broker education and development during isolation.

The virtual format enhances accessibility for mortgage advisers. It also opens opportunities for a broader audience to join similar programs. This achievement marks a new era for Connect for Intermediaries. It underscores their commitment to innovation in broker training.

Why Virtual academy

Connect began its monthly academy training sessions at its headquarters in early 2019. The next session was set for March 30th. However, the nation imposed a lockdown on March 23rd, requiring a quick response. As a result, the academy transitioned to a virtual format to serve its five eager participants.

In the face of adversity, Connect organised a comprehensive week of interactive online training. A team of 15 skilled presenters conducted the sessions. The virtual course retained its core elements and offered an enriched learning experience.

The course covered crucial topics such as effective fact-finding techniques, advanced research methodologies, and dynamic presentation skills. Attendees also gained in-depth product knowledge on buy-to-let, bridging, and commercial mortgages. Moreover, Connect hosted specialised sessions on improving sales skills and strategic marketing approaches for growing businesses.

This innovative adaptation ensured the continuity of the academy. It also showcased Connect’s commitment to fostering a thriving community of network members, even amid unforeseen challenges. The virtual academy training initiative demonstrated the organisation’s adaptability. It highlighted their dedication to empowering members with a diverse skill set.

Virtual academy

Liz Syms, CEO of Connect for Intermediaries, acknowledged the challenges of organising a virtual event. She noted that encouraging academy members to use software like OMS and Knowledge Bank from home was difficult.

Despite minor technical glitches, Syms reported positive feedback from attendees and presenters. She emphasised that the virtual format has expanded the reach of academy weeks. This approach eliminates travel, offering flexibility during and after lockdowns.

Positive Feedback and Future Prospects

Jonathan Mann, a presenter from Precise, described the experience as “brilliant.” He highlighted the value of supporting Connect and its new advisers. Mann’s enthusiasm underscores the potential benefits of virtual academies.

Opportunities for Aspiring Professionals

These academies are a gateway for those entering the specialised mortgage industry. The only prerequisite is committing to join Connect’s network after completing the course.

Jonathan Mann
Jonathan Mann, a Presenter from Precise,

Inclusive Approach to Industry Growth

The initiative welcomes brokers re-entering the field and individuals in the property market. It also includes trainees and new staff recruited by existing Connect network members. This adaptive approach aims to foster a diverse and skilled pool of professionals within the industry.

We’ve come to the end of our article on “Virtual Academy.” Until next time, stay Connect!


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