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Bridging Finance Options For Your Client’s Needs

When it comes to bridging fiance, as a mortgage network, we are dedicated to serving mortgage brokers like you with an unwavering commitment to expertise and precision. We have specialised lenders on our panel that can provide your clients with short-term financing solutions tailored to a diverse spectrum of asset types and unique financial requirements.

From navigating the straightforward landscape of conventional residential bridges to understanding the intricacies of expansive and complex security types, our specialisation empowers us to meet the distinctive needs of your clients with flexibility and accuracy.

Whether your clients find themselves in the familiar terrain of standard residential bridges or are delving into the complexities of more significant and intricate security types, our advisers are well-placed to help you source the right fit for your clients.

  • Market-leading rates
  • Up to 100% LTV (with additional security)
  • Loans from £10,000
  • Terms 1-18 months
  • Interest can be serviced, rolled up or retained
  • No exit fees
  • Products with no arrangement fees
  • Lending in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland

We can provide first, second and third charge bridging finance options for:

  • When your client needs fast finance for a quick completion to meet auction terms.
  • When your client wants to purchase a property that requires refurbishment, that is deemed unsuitable by mainstream lenders.
  • When your client needs to complete a property purchase before their existing property is sold.
  • When your client wants to buy a property and change its use.
  • When your client wants to quickly release equity from their property to help with cash flow.
  • When your client wants to quickly buy an under market value property quickly.

If you are Directly Authorised or an Appointed Representative of a Network other than our own you can access all of our packaged products including any exclusives or semi exclusives and receive 100% of the commission as displayed here. If you would like to access any other product for your client or want Connect to take the compliance responsibility, we can assist you on a referral basis.