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Trainee Brokers | Launching Academy For Trainee Brokers

Trainee Brokers

Trainee brokers

Liz Syms
Liz Syms, CEO and Founder of Connect


Launching its first training initiative, Connect for Intermediaries introduces its first-ever academy, “trainee brokers.”  This is for aspiring mortgage brokers aiming to usher fresh talent into the specialised mortgage sector.

The program, unveiled at the end of last year, welcomes brokers returning to the field after a break. It also extends invitations to accountants, estate or letting agents, and individuals knowledgeable in property matters who are seeking to transition into advisory roles.

The initiative is inclusive and welcomes existing members of Connect’s network. These members are eager to expand their enterprises by onboarding trainees or new team members.

Most specialised markets lack a regulatory mandate for mortgage qualifications or proof of adviser competence. Despite this, numerous lenders hesitate to consider applications from non-regulated advisers or those outside a regulated framework.

Connect for Intermediaries’ Academy focuses on bridging the expertise gap in the mortgage industry. It aims to enrich the talent pool and foster growth opportunities. This initiative benefits both seasoned professionals and those venturing into the advisory realm.

The initiative is a strategic move to create a more robust and dynamic landscape within the specialised mortgage sector. It capitalises on the diverse backgrounds and experiences of its participants.

Trainee brokers | What will the course cover?

Delve into a multifaceted training experience designed to equip mortgage advisers with essential skills and knowledge. This course covers fundamental compliance training, encompassing crucial topics such as money laundering, data protection, and the equitable treatment of customers.

Participants will gain specialised insights into intricate areas. These include calculating BTL rental affordability, HMO and multi-unit properties, bridging finance, and commercial and business funding.

Navigate the complexities of market research by understanding credit files, deciphering accounts, and analysing complex income structures. Learn to effectively employ various research tools, present solutions, and close sales. The curriculum extends beyond advising and delving into lead generation through social media, email marketing, advertising, and referral strategies.

The course also offers a detailed guide to the application process, including risk checks, high documentation standards, and exceptional customer service.

After completion, ongoing training and mentorship are available, and continued access to the Connect for Intermediaries team for support in achieving competent adviser status is also available.

Liz Syms, CEO of Connect for Intermediaries, emphasized the urgent need to introduce new advisers to the mortgage market and enhance standards in the specialist mortgage sector.

Individuals with existing mortgage qualifications can still benefit from the extensive knowledge needed to navigate the complexities of researching the specialist market and providing expert advice.

The inaugural course, currently with eight participants, begins an ambitious series, with seven additional courses planned throughout the year. The next trainee brokers session is in May, offering prospective mortgage advisers ample opportunities to engage in this enriching educational initiative.

We’ve reached the end of our company news on “Trainee Brokers | Exclusive: Jubilant Connect Launches Academy For Trainee Brokers | 2019.”  Until next time, stay “Connect!”

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