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HMO Properties

HMO Properties

HMO Properties | The Insightful Guide To Property Investment | 2023


The acronym HMO, which stands for House in Multiple Occupation, is a specialised classification of residential properties. Essentially, an HMO is a dwelling leased to three or more individuals not part of the same household. 

To put it into perspective, a trio of unrelated individuals cohabiting in a single property would meet the criteria for an HMO. At the same time, a family of three sharing a residence would not fall into this category.


Is it worth buying an HMO property?


Investing in property is a time-honoured way to build wealth, and one of the niche segments of this market that has gained popularity in recent years is HMOs. But is it worth buying an HMO property? Let’s delve into the factors that make HMO property investments appealing.

HMO properties, also known as shared houses, offer the potential for higher rental income compared to traditional buy-to-let properties. This is primarily because HMOs cater to multiple tenants, each paying individual rents. The increased rental income can help investors achieve better cash flow and a more significant return on investment.

Another advantage of HMO properties is that they can be more resilient in economic downturns. With multiple tenants sharing the costs, void periods are typically shorter, reducing the financial impact on landlords. Moreover, the demand for shared housing often remains strong, especially in urban areas, making it a potentially stable investment option.

However, owning an HMO property comes with additional responsibilities. You must adhere to specific regulations and requirements, including health and safety standards, licensing, and fire safety measures. This might require additional time, effort, and investment compared to standard buy-to-let properties. Managing multiple tenants can also be more challenging, so it’s essential to consider these aspects before investing in an HMO property.


HMO Vs Buy-to-let 


HMO and Buy-to-Let properties are two common investment options in the property market, each with its own set of advantages and considerations. HMOs are rental properties that distinguish themselves from typical buy-to-let investments in several aspects. Primarily, HMOs are occupied by three or more tenants who are not related, each having their individual bedrooms while sharing common facilities. 

In contrast, regular buy-to-let properties are leased to a single household consisting of a family, a couple, or an individual.

Rental payments, utility bills and tenancy agreements: In HMOs, tenants typically enter into individual lease agreements and make separate rental payments. However, joint contracts may be favoured in certain cases, especially for pre-established student groups. In the case of a standard buy-to-let tenancy, a single lease agreement is signed, and a monthly rental payment is submitted to the landlord. Typically, in HMOs, landlords cover the utility expenses, while tenants in conventional rental properties are accountable for their own utility costs.

Payments: Given that each tenant in an HMO contributes an individual rental sum, this investment model can potentially yield more substantial returns for a landlord compared to a conventional buy-to-let property. After deducting utility bills and general maintenance expenses, the landlord can still accrue a higher total monthly income that proves advantageous.

Here are more comparisons of HMO properties and Buy-to-Let properties:


HMO Properties:


  • Shared Accommodation: HMOs involve renting out individual rooms within a single property to multiple tenants or households. This creates a communal living environment with shared amenities like kitchens and bathrooms.
  • Higher Rental Yields: HMOs tend to generate higher rental yields than traditional Buy-to-Let properties due to the multiple tenants, allowing landlords to maximize their rental income.
  • Diverse Tenant Base: HMOs attract a diverse group of tenants, such as students, young professionals, and those seeking affordable housing. This diversity can lead to increased rental demand.
  • Management Intensity: Managing an HMO can be more time-consuming and complex due to multiple tenants and increased maintenance demands. Compliance with HMO regulations is also essential.
  • Potential for Higher Costs: Landlords may have to invest in furnishing individual rooms and maintaining shared spaces. Additionally, there may be higher utility costs and property management fees.
  • Income Stability: With multiple tenants, the risk of income loss due to vacancies is lower, as even if one room is vacant, other tenants continue to pay rent.


Buy-to-Let Properties:


  • Full Property Rental: Buy-to-Let properties involve renting out an entire property to a single tenant or household, providing more privacy and exclusive use of the property.
  • Steady Rental Income: Buy-to-Let properties typically offer a stable and consistent rental income, as a single tenant or family occupies them.
  • Lower Management Demands: Compared to HMOs, managing Buy-to-Let properties is often less intensive, as there is only one tenant to deal with. Property management can be outsourced for convenience.
  • Higher Initial Costs: Purchasing a Buy-to-Let property can involve a higher upfront investment in terms of property price and potential refurbishment or maintenance.
  • Vacancy Risks: In a Buy-to-Let property, if the tenant vacates, there is a risk of loss of rental income until a new tenant is found.
  • Consistent Demand: Buy-to-let properties generally have a steady demand from families, couples, or individuals seeking more private living spaces.
  • Easier Regulatory Compliance: Compliance with rental regulations for Buy-to-Let properties may be more straightforward than the often stringent HMO regulations.

In summary, the choice between HMO properties and Buy-to-Let properties depends on various factors, including your investment goals, risk tolerance, and the level of involvement you are willing to commit to property management. HMOs can provide higher rental yields and a diverse tenant base, but they require more management and may entail higher costs. 

Buy-to-let properties offer a stable rental income with lower management demands, making them a more straightforward investment option. Ultimately, the decision should align with your investment strategy and objectives.


What are the pitfalls of HMO properties?


While HMO properties offer several advantages, they also come with their share of pitfalls. It’s crucial to be aware of these challenges to make informed investment decisions.

Regulatory Compliance: One of the most significant challenges in managing HMOs is navigating the complex web of regulations. These regulations often vary by location, making it essential to stay up-to-date with the latest legal requirements, from mandatory licenses to fire safety standards.


  • Maintenance and Upkeep: HMO properties tend to experience more wear and tear due to more occupants. This means landlords may need to invest more in maintenance and repairs, which can eat into profits.
  • Tenant Management: Dealing with multiple tenants can be demanding. Landlords must be prepared for issues like tenant disputes, rent collection, and ensuring a harmonious living environment.
  • Initial Investment: Setting up an HMO property can require a substantial initial investment. Converting a standard property into an HMO may involve significant renovations to meet safety and living standards.

Is HMO still worth it?


Given the challenges associated with HMO properties, it’s natural to wonder if they are still worth investing in. The answer ultimately depends on your investment goals, risk tolerance, and resources.

For investors seeking higher rental yields and are willing to navigate the regulatory landscape, HMOs can still be a viable and profitable investment. In areas with strong demand for shared housing, HMOs can provide a steady stream of rental income, making them an attractive option for income-focused investors.

The potential profitability of HMOs also depends on the local market conditions. Research the demand for shared housing in your target area, as this can greatly impact the success of your HMO investment.

That said, if you prefer a more hands-off investment or lack the resources to manage an HMO effectively, other property investment options like traditional buy-to-let properties may be more suitable.


What is the point of HMO properties?


The primary purpose of an HMO property is to provide shared housing to multiple tenants. This arrangement serves several purposes, both for investors and tenants.

  • Maximising Rental Income: HMO properties allow investors to maximize their rental income by accommodating multiple tenants. This can lead to higher monthly cash flows and a more substantial return on investment.
  • Meeting Housing Demand: In many urban areas, there is a significant demand for affordable, shared housing options. HMOs help address this need by providing cost-effective living arrangements for individuals who may not afford a single-unit rental.
  • Filling a Niche Market: HMOs cater to a niche market of tenants, such as students, young professionals, and low-income individuals. They offer an affordable and practical housing solution for this demographic.
  • Promoting Shared Living: HMO properties promote shared living, fostering a sense of community among tenants. This can lead to social benefits and a more enjoyable living experience for residents.


The Biggest Pros and Cons of Investing in HMO Properties


Here are the most significant advantages and disadvantages of investing in HMO properties:


  • Higher Rental Income: HMOs often generate more significant rental income due to multiple tenants.
  • Resilience: Shared housing can be more resilient to economic downturns.
  • Diversification: HMOs offer diversification within a property portfolio.
  • Fulfilling Housing Demand: HMOs provide affordable shared housing, addressing an essential need.
  • Potential for Greater Returns: HMOs can offer a more substantial return on investment.


  • Regulatory Challenges: Compliance with HMO regulations can be complex and costly.
  • Maintenance Costs: HMOs may require more frequent maintenance and upkeep.
  • Tenant Management: Managing multiple tenants can be demanding.
  • Initial Investment: Setting up an HMO often involves a substantial upfront cost.
  • Market Dependency: Success depends on local market conditions and demand for shared housing.


HMO properties can be a lucrative investment option, but they come with unique challenges. Whether HMO investments are worth it depends on your investment goals, risk tolerance, and commitment to navigating the regulatory landscape. Conduct thorough research and consider seeking professional advice before venturing into this specialized sector of the property market.


What sets HMOs apart from other rental options?


HMOs are characterised by multiple individuals or “households” cohabiting within a single property and sharing various facilities. What distinguishes HMOs from traditional single buy-to-let properties is the extent of shared amenities and the consequent impact on the living experience.

The sharing of facilities and communal spaces within HMOs fosters a higher degree of interaction among tenants. Some HMO property investors even refer to this as ‘co-living,’ emphasising a sense of community within their HMOs. This approach enhances tenant satisfaction and, in turn, encourages longer tenancy periods. For further insights into the distinction between co-living and HMOs, we recommend reading our comprehensive guide on Co-Living vs. HMO.

In addition to fostering a sense of community and increased tenant interaction, HMOs offer several unique features that set them apart from other rental options:


  • Cost-Effective Living: HMOs are often more budget-friendly for tenants compared to renting an entire property by themselves. The shared expenses for amenities and utilities can make living in an HMO a more cost-effective choice, which is especially appealing for students, young professionals, and those on a tight budget.
  • Diverse Tenant Profiles: HMOs attract diverse tenants with varying backgrounds, professions, and lifestyles. This diversity can lead to a rich cultural exchange and the opportunity to meet people from different walks of life, enhancing the overall living experience.
  • Flexibility: HMOs typically offer more flexible lease terms, allowing tenants to rent for shorter durations, which can be ideal for those who are uncertain about their long-term housing needs or prefer a more transient lifestyle.
  • Fully Furnished: Many HMOs come fully furnished, which means tenants don’t need to invest in furniture and household items, making the move-in process more convenient and cost-effective.
  • Professional Management: HMO properties are often managed by experienced professionals who manage property maintenance, tenant issues, and a safe and comfortable living environment. This can provide peace of mind to tenants and reduce the stress of property management.
  • Inclusive Utilities: In many HMO arrangements, utilities such as electricity, water, and internet are included in the rent, simplifying the budgeting process for tenants.
  • Reduced Isolation: Living alone in a traditional rental property can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation. With their shared spaces and social atmosphere, HMOs can help combat loneliness and provide a built-in support system for tenants.
  • Potential for Networking: The diverse group of tenants in an HMO can create opportunities for networking and professional connections, as you may be living with people in various fields or industries.
  • Enhanced Security: With multiple tenants under one roof, HMOs often have improved security measures, such as surveillance cameras and secure access control systems, contributing to a safer living environment.
  • Sustainable Living: Sharing resources in an HMO can lead to a more sustainable lifestyle by reducing overall energy and water consumption, which aligns with the growing interest in eco-friendly living.

Overall, HMOs offer a unique living experience that combines affordability, community, and convenience, making them a distinct choice among rental options for a wide range of tenants.


Who can reside in an HMO?


With the increasing cost of living, shared accommodation has become an attractive option for a wide demographic. Realistically, anyone can choose to reside in an HMO. However, HMOs tend to attract specific groups, primarily individuals with lower incomes, those seeking social interaction rather than solitary living, or those with temporary residence needs, such as contractors.

It is important to note that a lower income bracket does not equate to problematic tenants. In fact, the most common type of HMO resident is typically a young professional focused on their career, seeking cost-effective living arrangements rather than investing heavily in a single-person dwelling. 

Although various demographics may be drawn to HMO properties, from students to social housing tenants, keeping these groups within the same HMO property is advisable. For example, if you have a four-bedroom HMO with three student tenants, it’s generally not recommended to accommodate a working professional or contractor in the fourth room.

Landlords can reside in their own HMO units but must adhere to the same legal regulations as any other HMO landlord. This choice is often popular among homeowners, with properties featuring multiple unused rooms, providing an additional source of income.


Do I need financial advice?


Engage in a conversation with a qualified mortgage specialist, such as those at Connect Brokers, before choosing between a conventional buy-to-let investment or acquiring a property for HMO purposes. Their expertise will help you comprehend the distinct mortgage criteria and legal prerequisites associated with these investments.

Additionally, they will outline the advantages and disadvantages of each investment type, helping you make an informed decision about your property investment strategy. Connect Brokers offers invaluable insights and tailored advice to help you navigate the complexities of property investment and mortgage financing.

