Industry Insight Episode 5 | An Option for Homeworking

In case you missed our earlier episodes, you can get up to speed by clicking the following episodes: “Industry Insight | Multigenerational Living Is On an Extraordinary Rise “ “Industry Insight Episode 2 | Challenges in the Mortgage Industry“ “Industry Insight Episode 3 | Uncovering the Potential of Annexes as Holiday Lets“ Industry Insight Episode […]
Industry Insight Episode 04 | Making the Dream Achievable

In case you missed our earlier episodes, you can get up to speed with: “Industry Insight | Multigenerational Living Is On a Rise “ “Industry Insight Episode 2 | Challenges in the Mortgage Industry” “Industry Insight Episode 3 | Uncovering the Potential of Annexes as Holiday Lets” The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly altered daily […]
Industry Insight Episode 03 | Annexes as Holiday Lets

Previously, we shared insights from the Harpenden Building Society’s mortgage reports. These included “Industry Insight | Multigenerational Living Is On Rise ” and “Industry Insight Episode 2 | Challenges in the Mortgage Industry,” Our latest instalment, Industry Insight Episode 3, focuses on “The Potential of Annexes as Holiday Lets.” The summer of 2020 was like […]
Industry Insight Episode 2 | Challenges in Mortgage Industry

Our previous “Industry Insight” discussed Multigenerational Living Is On an Extraordinary Rise | 2020. In today’s Industry Insight Episode 2, we examine the challenges in the mortgage industry. Before the market could digest Brexit, the COVID-19 pandemic pushed other considerations aside. It slowed the economy as a whole, significantly affecting the mortgage industry. Lenders have repeatedly […]
Business Support | Government To Help Support Businesses

As our payroll department advised you, the current Job Retention Scheme will end this month. From 1 November 2020, the government will introduce a new Job Support Scheme. Employees must work at least 33% of their usual hours. For every hour not worked, the employer and the government will each pay one-third of the employee’s […]
Industry Insight | Multigenerational Living Is On the Rise

Our thinking has shifted dramatically as we gradually move towards a post-pandemic era. This change is most evident in how and where we choose to live. During lockdown, many families moved in together. They shared resources to save money, cared for older generations, or looked after sick family members. They also isolated together to maintain […]
Advising Through Uncertainty | Putting Customers First

This year has been a time of unparalleled difficulty for many. After the loneliness and disruption of lockdown restrictions, the economic shockwaves are beginning to ripple around the country. In August, the country formally entered its first recession in 11 years. With redundancies looking to rise as the furlough scheme winds down, it’s hardly surprising […]

BlueZest has strengthened its mortgage distribution by collaborating with Connect for Intermediaries, a leading network and packager. This partnership makes Connect one of the select distributors offering BlueZest mortgages to both appointed representatives (ARs) and directly authorised (DA) advisers. Additionally, ARs connected with specific networks can also access these products. Liz Syms, CEO and Founder […]